
life is just like a ferris wheel. sometimes we go up and sometimes down

the holiday is almost at the end. the fun time is now officially over. now it’s back to waking up early in the morning, go to class and listen to the lecturer. no freetime (not like i’m doing anything on my freetime anyway. i sleep almost all day). my gpa last semester was ok. it’s not hard to maintain it but i have to be positive all the time and of course, rajin to go to the class lah. with the starting of this new semester, i felt like messed up, like always. i had these problem with some friends and it suck. even my parents don’t trust me anymore. not like i’m blaming them. because sometimes it only took one people to to cause it and to blame it on. and that would be me. lately i started to create this sentences: “kawan hanyalah sebuah fatamorgana” (friend is just an illusion) just because i had this problem with a friend. everything i do will alter the course of the future and all the people surrounding me. every action has it reaction. when everything has already happened, we can only sit back, analyze and think. in the end, it’s the what if that hurts the most. what if things gone a little different. if only…

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